Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
In line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and current legislation, we have used the adequate levels of security for the data that you give us, and we have installed all the technical means possible to avoid the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorised access, and theft of this data.

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What are cookies?
Most internet browsers have the ability to let websites store simple text files called "cookies" on their visitors' computers
Cookies allow sites to do certain things like store user preferences, remember a username and / or a password so the user doesn't need to retype it each time they visit, or to follow a user's path across a website to provide data to help improve services.
Under the EU Privacy Directive we have a legal responsibility to provide information to you about the type and purpose of the cookies we use, and guidance on how to disable them or prevent them being placed on your internet device if you choose not to allow them. We strongly suggest you accept our cookies so our website can give you the best possible service.

What cookies can't do
- can't read your hard disk
- can't obtain your login email address of other information unless you volunteer the information
- can't be used to create viruses or destructive programs on your computer
- can't be used to instantly fill up your hard drive

How do I turn cookies off?
The method to disable or delete cookies on your computer depends on the browser you use (for instance Internet Explorer 9, FireFox, Opera, Chrome etc).
Firstly, you need to identify the browser you are using. Usually, this ‘version number’ is shown in an ‘About’ section in the help or tools section of your browser.
We recommend you visit the About Cookies website* where there are easy-to-follow instructions for both deleting or controlling cookies via your browser settings.

*Please note that E.ON is not responsible for any information held on third party websites.
Last Updated: 23/03/2021 20:53

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